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Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Dr.-Ing. Theresa Nick


Advanced localization concepts for RFID based systems
Hut, München, 2014, [Link]



  • Verbundprojekt "smaRTI- Smart ReUsable Transport Items": Teilvorhaben "Sichere, flexible Detektion und Lokalisierung von UHF RFID-Labeln in rauer Umgebung" (BMBF)



18 results


  • M. Warnke, G. Rösnick, G. Smietanka, S.Brato, J. Götze, Hybrid Extension for a Flexible Software Defined RFID Reader, In European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (Smart SysTech 2014), Dortmund, Germany, 2014. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, Advanced localization concepts for RFID based systems, Hut, München, 2014. [bibtex]


  • T. Nick, G. Smietanka, J. Götze, RSS-based Channel Measurements and their Influence on Localization in RFID Applications, In 17th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2013), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2013. [bibtex]
  • F. Schwiegelshohn, T. Nick, J. Götze, Localization Based on Fusion of RFID and Stereo Image Data, In Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC), Dresden, Germany, 2013. [bibtex]


  • T. Nick, Signalverarbeitungsmethoden zur Lokalisierung passiver UHF RFID Label in der Logistikbranche, In 6. Dresdner RFID-Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 2012. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, S. Cordes, J. Götze, W. John, Camera-Assisted Localization of Passive RFID Labels, In 2012 International Conference on Indoor Navigation and Indoor Positioning (IPIN), Sydney, Australia, 2012. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, J. Götze, W. John, Fuzzy-Adaptive Kalman Filter for RFID Localization, In International Conference on Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Service (UPINLBS 2012), Helsinki, Finland, 2012. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, J. Götze, Posterior Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds of RFID Localization, In 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunication and Computer Networks - Symposium on RFID technologies & Internet of Things (SoftCom 2012), Split, Croatia, 2012. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, J. Götze, Multi-Hypothesis Kalman Filter for RFID-Based Localization and Tracking, In URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung 2012, Miltenberg, Germany, 2012. [bibtex]


  • T. Nick, Md.Z.I. Khan, J. Götze, W. John, Localization of Passive UHF RFID Label with Unscented Kalman Filter Based on Angle-Dependent RSSI Measurements, In Proceedings of IEEE 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (IEEE ICSPCS), Honolulu, USA, 2011. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, J. Götze, W. John, G. Stönner, Localization of UHF RFID Labels with Reference Tags and Unscented Kalman Filter, In IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA), Sitges, Spain, 2011. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, J. Götze, Localization of passive UHF RFID Labels with Kalman Filter, In URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung 2011, Miltenberg, Germany, 2011. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, J. Götze, W. John, G. Stönner, Comparison of Extended and Unscented Kalman Filter for Localization of Passive UHF RFID Labels, In URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. [bibtex] [pdf]
  • T. Nick, J. Götze, W. John, G. Stönner, Localization of Passive UHF RFID Labels Using An Unscented Kalman Filter with Relative Position Information, In 7th European Workshop on Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications (RFID SysTech 2011), Dresden, Germany, 2011. [bibtex] [pdf]


  • T. Nick, E. Coersmeier, J. Geldmacher, J. Götze, New Traffic Information System Based on Means of Transportation Classification, In IADIS Wireless Applications and Computing (WAC 2010), Freiburg, Germany, 2010. [bibtex]
  • T. Nick, E. Coersmeier, J. Geldmacher, J. Götze, Classifying Means of Transportation Using Mobile Sensor Data, In IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 2010. [bibtex]


  • T. Nick, E. Coersmeier, J. Geldmacher, J. Götze, Klassifizierung von Fortbewegungsmitteln durch mobile Sensordaten, In Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste - 6. Fachgespräch der GI-Fachgruppe KuVS, Bonn, Germany, 2009. [bibtex]
  • E. Coersmeier, T. Nick, J. Geldmacher, J. Götze, Means of Transportation Classification through Wireless Sensor Networks, In Wireless Congress 2009: Systems & Applications, Munich, Germany, 2009. [bibtex]